UArizona proposes 2% increase for resident tuition, 5.6% increase for nonresident tuition for 2022-2023

The University of Arizona has proposed a 2% increase in resident tuition and a 5.6% increase in nonresident tuition with an increase in mandatory fees for all entering undergraduate students.
More than 99% of current UArizona students will see no increase because their tuition and fees previously were frozen under the Guaranteed Tuition Program. Incoming undergraduate students for the 2022-2023 academic year are guaranteed the new tuition and fees rate for four consecutive years. Incoming graduate students for the 2022-2023 academic year are guaranteed the new mandatory fees rate for four consecutive years.
Mandatory fees will increase by $175 per year for the Health and Recreation Fee and $135 per year for the Student Services Fee. In addition, the Recreation Center Program fee may increase annually based on the Consumer Price Index, and the Arizona Financial Aid Trust fee will increase based on an approved tuition increase.
The fee increase is designed to address university priorities including creating long-term financial sustainability of student dining services, expanding efforts to fight food insecurity, meeting growing demand for mental health and health care services, and keeping up with an increasing minimum wage.
"We have worked with students, faculty and staff to create a tuition plan focused on investments that allow the university to tackle the next set of societal challenges and also prepare students to pursue their goals after graduation," said University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins. "It is a priority to keep tuition increases low. Tuition and fee increases are one small piece of institutional funding for our priorities, which also include operational efficiencies, investment income, and resources for auxiliaries, as outlined under our strategic plan."
Incoming resident undergraduate students will pay $11,525 in tuition, and new nonresident undergraduate students will pay $37,827. The Guaranteed Tuition Program is designed to encourage on-time graduation and assist with financial planning and college completion.
All resident graduate students will pay $12,348, a 2% increase in tuition, and nonresident graduate students will pay $32,290, the same tuition as last year. Mandatory fees for all incoming graduate students will be frozen under the Guaranteed Mandatory Fees Plan. Continuing graduate student mandatory fees also are frozen.
Arizona Online tuition is set by each individual degree program and the range of program tuition will remain the same for undergraduate students at $300 to $1,360 per credit. The range will increase by 9% for graduate students to $478 to $1,250 per credit to accommodate for changes in the Master's for Entry to the Profession of Nursing degree program.
The UArizona College of Medicine – Tucson and the College of Medicine – Phoenix resident tuition will increase 4.3%, and nonresident tuition will increase 1% for first-year through fourth-year students.
The UArizona College of Veterinary Medicine tuition will increase 3% for resident and nonresident first-year through third-year students.
The tuition proposal process includes the student leaders of the Associated Students of the University of Arizona and the Graduate and Professional Student Council working over the fall semester with the provost, chief financial officer, associate vice president for student affairs and enrollment management, chief budget officer, and several faculty and staff representatives.
"I'm in favor of the tuition increase," said Noah Vega, president of the ASUA student government. "Nobody wants tuition to be raised, and we want college to be accessible to all. Though, with a tuition increase we will be able to keep facilities operating, professors' salaries competitive and, most importantly, aid students in pursuit of their education to make sure they are supported 100% of the way."
The Arizona Board of Regents will hold a livestreamed public hearing March 28 at 3 p.m. to discuss the tuition recommendations made by the three state universities.
The board is expected to vote on tuition and fees April 7 at its meeting in Tucson. The meeting will be livestreamed.