Adoption of Political Activity Policy (Interim)

To: Campus Community
From: University Initiatives & Policy
Subject: Adoption of Political Activity Policy (Interim)
Date: Sep 25, 2024

Pursuant to the University Policy-Making Policy, the following action is taken:

Adoption of Interim Political Activity Policy


The intent of this interim policy is to provide clearer guidance to university employees and DCCs as to the types of permitted and prohibited political activities allowed within the scope of their university affiliation and/or when using university resources. This policy directly reflects state law and ABOR policy requirements.

Revisions include substantive updates throughout the policy. The requirements for registered lobbyists were removed. Those requirements remain in effect under state law and are captured in the Arizona Lobbying Handbook.

This interim policy was approved and is in effect immediately, while feedback is collected for the creation of a permanent policy.

The approved interim policy is available for review on the University Policies website.

Members of the university community are invited to submit written comments via the Policy Feedback box on the policy or by sending comments to

All comments must be received by close of day on October 26, 2024.

Please note: Policy feedback is available to University Initiatives & Policy, the Policy Sponsor, and elected shared governance representatives, upon request, for policies impacting the populations they represent.

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