Academic Leadership Institute for 2023-2024
Recognizing that high-quality and innovative leadership is essential for the University of Arizona to achieve its mission and live its values, we are very pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 14th cohort of the Academic Leadership Institute.
Applications are due March 10. For more information and application details, visit the ALI website.
Institute Overview
This program demonstrates our commitment to enhancing the capacity of current and emerging leaders. The curriculum consists of a series of workshops – held throughout the academic year – plus self-assessments and collaborative discussions led by national leadership development experts.
Delivered in an in-person format, monthly workshops in leadership development will be complemented by programs and networking opportunities with University leaders.
Since ALI was launched in 2010, over 300 faculty, University staff members, department heads, senior administrators and campus leaders have participated in the Institute and have praised the program in the highest possible terms. A significant number of Institute Fellows have been tapped to lead key projects or promoted into new leadership roles, and many credit the Institute with these opportunities. View a list of previous Fellows here.
Who Should Apply
ALI is best suited to mid- to senior-level leaders who aspire to expand their University-wide role and influence, and who are committed to advancing and demonstrating the University's values.
We hope you will consider applying for this career development opportunity.