Call for Nominations for Regents Professorships

To: Campus Community
From: Robert C. Robbins, President
Subject: Call for Nominations for Regents Professorships
Date: Sep 10, 2024

I am very pleased to issue the 2024-2025 call for nominations of candidates for Regents Professor. 

The University of Arizona is fortunate to have outstanding faculty members in all areas of teaching and inquiry, and the designation of Regents Professor is an important way for the university to honor and celebrate the accomplishments of our most outstanding full professors who have achieved national or international recognition. Those who are appointed as Regents Professors hold the highest of faculty ranks and exemplify the university's objectives and standards for scholarship, research or creative activities, and teaching.

Regents Professor appointments are limited to three percent (3%) of the tenured and tenure-track faculty members and carry a modest salary increase. The Arizona Board of Regents approves these appointments. More information can be found at the ABOR website.

Please submit nominations electronically through Arizona Cultivate. The University of Arizona's nomination process, criteria and instructions are available on the Faculty Affairs website. Faculty nominating committees have until noon on Friday, November 1, 2024, to submit nominations for consideration. 

Candidates can be in the nomination pool for up to three years at a time. If you are the chair of a nominating group whose nominee is in the second or third year of consideration, please update and resubmit the dossier of your candidate online in accordance with the updated criteria and guidelines. Please note that the maximum number of letters supporting a candidate's nomination is eight (8), and the minimum number is six (6).

This process is an important way to celebrate our achievements as a university, and I ask all faculty members to consider nominating a colleague. As you consider worthy nominations, I encourage you to consider candidates who are women, BIPOC and others from underrepresented ethnicities and backgrounds, and to include the full range of academic disciplines in your deliberations.

Thank you for your contributions to this process.

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