Proposed Revisions to Honorary Degree Policy

To: University Community
From: University Initiatives & Policy
Subject: Proposed Revisions to Honorary Degree Policy
Date: Sep 05, 2024



The university awards honorary degrees in order to recognize significant achievements within the academic environment and in the world at large. These degrees provide the university with an opportunity to honor individuals for their contribution to the University of Arizona, the state, the nation, or the world.

The policy is being revised to:

  • Bring policy current.
  • Add clarifying language regarding who can nominate a candidate for an honorary degree including the University of Arizona Foundation.
  • Add new language regarding when an incumbent elected official may be considered for an honorary degree.
  • Decouple procedural language and create a new procedure to support the policy.

A copy of the revised policy is available on the University Policies website.

Members of the university community are invited to submit written comments via the Policy Feedback box on the policy or by sending comments to

All comments must be received by close of business on Oct. 8, 2024.

Please note: Policy feedback is available to University Initiatives & Policy, the Policy Sponsor, and elected shared governance representatives, upon request, for policies impacting the populations they represent.

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