Buyer (and Seller) Be Aware: UA@Work is a Great Place to Advertise

UA@Work is a great place to advertise items you want to sell or give away, like adorable puppies.
Have something to rent, sell or give away? Looking for a house sitter or a roommate? Consider placing an ad on the UA@Work website.
UA@Work's classified ads are affordable, easy to submit, and give you the option of uploading images to increase interest in your ad. Each week, one ad is featured in the UA's employee newsletter, Lo Que Pasa, which is sent to more than 50,000 readers. Anyone can submit an ad and all ads are visible to anyone visiting the website.
For more information about submitting ads, please visit the About Classified Ads page. If you have additional questions, contact Linda Bylina at or 520-626-9422.