UA Sophomore Named Student Regent

Anthony Rusk
University of Arizona sophomore Anthony Rusk has been appointed as a new student regent to the Arizona Board of Regents by Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey.
The appointment, which is pending approval by the Arizona State Senate, is for a two-year term that will begin July 1 when Arizona State University's Aundrea DeGravina concludes her term as a student regent.
"On behalf of the board, I welcome Anthony and look forward to the fresh perspectives he will bring to board discussions," said ABOR Chair Ron Shoopman. "The unique viewpoints of our student regents, from their personal experiences to the input they receive from their peers, is essential to our work."
Rusk is a double major in neuroscience and PPEL, which stands for philosophy, politics, economics and law. He also is pursuing a minor in biochemistry.
Rusk has an accomplished record of service at the university, including acting as policy director for the Associated Students of the University of Arizona and as Freshmen Class Council president. While serving as assistant district governor of the Interact club, he created a statewide food drive, and he is currently the philanthropy chair of the UA Sophos Sophomore Honorary.
Rusk also has served on the UA Faculty Governance Undergraduate Council and was awarded a Flinn Scholarship in 2017.
Rusk's first year on the board will be as a non-voting member. The governor appoints eight people in staggered eight-year terms to the board as well as two student regents who serve staggered two-year terms with the first year as a non-voting member.
Entering the second year of her term, Northern Arizona University's Lauren L'Ecuyer will become the voting student regent.