The Conversation Aug. 8, 2019 Saudi women are fighting for their freedom – and their hard-won victories are growing Alainna Liloia, a Ph.D. student in Middle Eastern and North African studies at the UA, writes about the fight for equality among Saudi women.
KOLD Aug. 7, 2019 UA researchers aid in development of glasses to help blind see UA researchers developed technology that has enabled the creation of the latest generation of best-in-class near-eye optics.
USA Today Aug. 6, 2019 Mass shootings and misogyny: The violent ideology we can't ignore For many shooters, hatred toward women and racist sentiment weave together, said UA sociology professor Jennifer Carlson.
KVOA Aug. 6, 2019 UA Student Union renovations provide inclusive stage access The UA Student Union Memorial Center is now the largest Tucson venue with permanent inclusive access to a stage.
KPNX-TV Aug. 6, 2019 UA students developing driverless tech A group of students from across the country put their tech to the test by remotely driving the UA's Cognitive and Autonomous vehicle.
Reuters Aug. 5, 2019 Social stress tied to lower bone density after menopause UA-led research found that social stress may release hormones that affect bone loss.
Arizona Daily Star Aug. 3, 2019 UA's business incubator looks to widen reach under new leaders The UA's technology business incubator has a new name, new leadership and some new partners as it plans to expand its reach.
Fusion Aug. 2, 2019 Meet the gifted child who dreams of studying astrophysics in the US Adhara Perez, 7, has shown exceptional talents in the field of astrophysics. Those dreams could take her from Mexico City to the UA.
Arizona Daily Star Aug. 1, 2019 2 UA professors receive national award to study dark energy in universe The UA's Elisabeth Krause and Tim Eifler will investigate the nature of the expanding universe and other dark mysteries.
Engadget July 31, 2019 The world's largest telescope is one step closer to completion This month, the team working on the Giant Magellan Telescope completed the second of seven primary mirror segments.