June 21, 2024 Study challenges popular idea that Easter Islanders committed 'ecocide' A new study involving UArizona professor Terry Hunt suggests that the population of the island originally named Rapa Nui did not spiral to unsustainable levels as scientists have long theorized.
June 19, 2024 When in drought: Researchers map which parts of the Amazon are most vulnerable to climate change Some areas of the Amazon rainforest are more resilient to drought than others, new UArizona-led research shows. If not managed carefully, we could "threaten the integrity of the whole system," researchers say.
June 18, 2024 UArizona oceanographer shares expertise during National Ocean Month In honor of National Ocean Month, Joellen Russell talks about the role of oceans in absorbing heat and carbon, and how ocean activity impacts Arizonans.
June 14, 2024 Magic of the monsoon: A 'socially and ecologically' important phenomenon for the Southwest Two climate scientists discuss the significance of the monsoon and how members of the public can make their own rainfall predictions.
June 11, 2024 UArizona graduate student and team discover most distant supernovas ever found Using data from the James Webb Space Telescope, researchers have discovered about 80 new supernovas. Their findings provide a new window into the early universe.
June 10, 2024 Peeking into the invisible world of the atmosphere UArizona researchers have developed a new way to uncover hidden layers in the atmosphere, which could help better explain how pollution gets trapped over cities.
June 4, 2024 Squirreling it away: Unraveling food hoarding behavior to conserve endangered squirrels Understanding how animals pack food away may help conservationists develop adaptive management strategies in the face of changing environmental conditions.
May 30, 2024 Webb Telescope spots the two most distant galaxies ever seen at cosmic dawn Researchers have discovered the most distant galaxy ever detected. The secrets it contains challenge previous assumptions about galactic evolution.
May 22, 2024 Mapping Racist Covenants: How a UArizona geographer's research informed a new Arizona law A project led by Jason Jurjevich informed a law that lets homeowners remove unlawful restrictions from their property records.
May 13, 2024 Research shows altered regulation of genes linked to prostate cancer in firefighters Firefighters are diagnosed with prostate cancer at a rate 1.21 times higher than the general population, possibly because of chemical exposures, a new study finds.