April 3, 2018 Brain Injury Modeling Reveals Deep Trauma Patterns New research led by the UA's Kaveh Laksari indicates that traumatic brain injury is caused by stretching and straining of tissue well below the surface of the brain.
March 14, 2018 How a UA Engineer Gets Cars to Talk A wealth of connected-vehicle research by professor Larry Head is helping to determine how people will move about in the cities of tomorrow. With UANews video. The series Fast Forward is examining the UA's role in the convergence of the digital, physical and biological worlds.
Feb. 6, 2018 Students Get Rare Glimpse Into Microsoft Executive's Style UA alumnus Kurt DelBene's secrets to successful leadership include staying "deep in the weeds" of engineering while always operating from a business perspective.
Feb. 2, 2018 Public Utility Helps UA Engineering Students Help Others With a hand from Salt River Project, freshmen built simple water purification devices, called WAPIs, that were distributed to Puerto Rico residents recovering from Hurricane Maria.
Jan. 26, 2018 Earthquake Engineers Shift Focus to Ensure Structural Safety UA engineers are taking a sideways approach to shoring up buildings' seismic safety. Steel collectors are responsible for horizontally transferring earthquake forces.
Jan. 8, 2018 Startup Licenses UA-Invented Mining Sensor Network At the core of the system licensed by GUIA is the ability to sense a miner's location and body temperature, predict potential problems and recommend steps to avert health risks.