April 9, 2019 Hahn Named Dean of College of Engineering David W. Hahn, a mechanical engineer with more than two decades experience in government, national laboratories and higher education, joins the UA on July 1.
March 20, 2019 UA Engineers Use $1.2M Grant to Make Drinking Water Safer Department of Defense funding will allow a team of researchers led by chemical and environmental engineering professor Reyes Sierra to advance groundwater purification methods.
March 18, 2019 UA Student-led CatSat Mission Selected by NASA UA students will get hands-on spacecraft hardware development experience thanks to NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative, which recently selected CatSat to fly as auxiliary payload aboard future space missions.
March 18, 2019 UA Engineering Alumna Puts Equality and Water First Marla Smith-Nilson shares experiences combating gender inequality and leading an international nonprofit that supports sustainable water and toilet projects for the world’s poorest communities.
March 8, 2019 It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s a Date-Pollinating Drone! UA engineering and business students are collaborating to design a time- and money-saving agricultural technology and form a startup to bring the invention to market.
Jan. 25, 2019 Interdisciplinary UA Researchers Get Tangled Up in Quantum Computing UA researchers are building a quantum hub known as Inquire, which will be the world's first shared research and training instrument to help researchers in diverse fields benefit from quantum resources.
Jan. 8, 2019 UA Engineers Bring 5G Whiz to Cell Networks UA-led research into 5G networks allows for remote surgery, autonomous vehicles and ever-faster processing speeds.
Sept. 26, 2018 NASA Funds UA-Led $30M Project to Study Cloud-Aerosol Interactions UA professor Armin Sorooshian will continue his research into tiny particles with huge impacts on climate, air quality and human health as one of five NASA Earth Venture investigations.
July 18, 2018 International Businesswoman Credits UA for Career Success Zlática Kraljevic carried the lessons she learned at the UA to a far-reaching career that has spanned multiple industries, from energy services to global consulting and education.
June 26, 2018 UA-Related Firms Receive First Local Venture Capital Investments Tucson's newest early-stage capital fund, UA Venture Capital Fund LLC, has announced that its first three investments will include UA-connected companies Codelucida and Regulonix.