In Brief: Campus safety survey, exploding stars on The Conversation

Complete the campus safety survey by April 12

The Office of Public Safety and the Office of University Initiatives and Policy have launched a survey to better understand the experiences of students and faculty and staff members related to campus safety and security. 

"This campus is safe. However, that doesn't mean the campus is immune from potentially dangerous situations," said Steve Patterson, chief safety officer. "The past year, we have worked hard to make the physical updates like keyless access on buildings and duress buttons in classrooms. Coupled with updates to resources in buildings, including Stop the Bleed Kits and updated building plans, are safety features in place to keep our community safe."

Steve Patterson, Vice President and Chief Safety Officer

Steve Patterson, Vice President and Chief Safety Officer

The survey was sent to all faculty, staff, designated campus colleagues and students. Participation in the survey is voluntary. 

"This survey is how I want to continue the conversations with employees, departments and students to help identify next priorities to continue to safeguard our campus community. Your perspectives and opinions matter to us," Patterson said.

Survey results will be used to gain a deeper understanding of the University community's feeling of physical safety and awareness levels. In particular, data-informed insights will guide institutional initiatives aimed at improving safety. 

In addition to sharing a summary report of institutionwide data, the Office of Public Safety may create more detailed reports to better understand specific issues and experiences. 

The survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete; respondents can take a break and return to the survey at any time before the April 12 deadline.

Exploding stars examined in The Conversation

Each month, faculty members and researchers from across the University share their expertise on The Conversation, an independent, not-for-profit news source committed to communicating the work of scholars. The Conversation makes all of its articles available at no charge to any news organization that wants to republish them. In addition, The Associated Press distributes The Conversation articles to newsrooms across the U.S.

To recognize University of Arizona scholars who are contributing to The Conversation's goal of informing public debate "with knowledge-based journalism that is responsible, ethical and supported by evidence," the Office of University Communications regularly posts links to the articles that have been published on The Conversation.

red speech bubble

Here is the articles published on The Conversation in March:

March 29, 2024
Exploding stars are rare but emit torrents of radiation – if one happened close enough to Earth, it could threaten life on the planet

Chris Impey
University Distinguished Professor, Department of Astronomy

Read previous Conversation articles written by University of Arizona scholars:

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