Awards & Accolades

Nolan Cabrera, associate professor in the Center for the Study of Higher Education

Erika Hamden, assistant professor in the Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory

Wendy Davis, director of the Race Track Industry Program

Ann Baldwin, professor of physiology at the College of Medicine – Tucson
Congratulations to these recent honorees.
Cabrera Named 'Emerging Scholar'
Nolan Cabrera, an associate professor in the Center for the Study of Higher Education, has been named a 2019 Emerging Scholar by Diverse: Issues in Higher Education. Diverse, a magazine that provides news and commentary on diversity in higher education, featured Cabrera in its Jan. 24 issue.
The magazine's annual Emerging Scholars class recognizes "an interdisciplinary group of minority scholars who represent the very best of the U.S. academy" and who have distinguished themselves in their fields to make society "more equitable and just." The 15 scholars, all of whom are under the age of 40, were selected from hundreds of nominations.
Cabrera studies racial dynamics on college campuses. His book, "White Guys on Campus: Racism, White Immunity, and the Myth of 'Post-Racial' Higher Education," was released in November. Cabrera began at the UA as an assistant professor in 2011.
Hamden Selected as TED Fellow
Erika Hamden, an assistant professor in the Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory, has been selected as a 2019 TED Fellow. Hamden, whose selection was announced Jan. 23, will deliver a talk at TED2019 in Vancouver, Canada, in April.
TED is a nonprofit organization that aims to spread ideas through the form of short talks. It began as a single conference on technology, entertainment and design in 1984 and now covers almost all topics. Those chosen for its fellows program are selected for their "remarkable achievement, their strength of character" and "their innovative approach to solving the world's tough problems." The program also provides fellows with professional coaching and mentorship.
Hamden was selected for helping develop telescopes and new ultraviolet detection technologies to improve the observation of distant galaxies. Her work involves building telescopes and spectrographs primarily for observing hydrogen. She joined the UA in September.
Davis Receives Quarter Horse Association's Achievement Award
Wendy Davis, director of the Race Track Industry Program, has been given the Mildred N. Vessels Special Achievement Award by the American Quarter Horse Association. She was honored at the association's Racing Champions Ceremony in Oklahoma City on Jan. 17.
The AQHA is a membership organization and equine breed registry for professionals and enthusiasts in the quarter horse industry. Its Mildred N. Vessels Special Achievement Award recognizes a woman in the industry for her career achievements. Davis was recognized for "her career instilling a love for the industry into the next generation."
Davis, a graduate of the UA Race Track Industry Program, served as associate coordinator before being named director. She also serves as adviser to the program's students and teaches several courses.
Baldwin Receives HeartMath Institute's Humanitarian Heart Award
Ann Baldwin, a professor of physiology at the College of Medicine – Tucson, has received the 2018 Humanitarian Heart Award from the HeartMath Institute. Baldwin was presented with the award at a conference in Cancún, Mexico, in November.
The HeartMath Institute is a nonprofit research and education organization that develops techniques, devices and programs to bridge the connection between the heart and mind to help reduce stress and anxiety. Baldwin was selected to receive the Humanitarian Heart Award in recognition of her work "toward the healing, enrichment and well-being of others."
Baldwin's research focuses on reducing emotional stress through techniques like meditation and equine therapy. Her work involves the use of HeartMath techniques and devices. She began at the UA as a research associate in 1983.
UA Wins Strategic Communications, Publications CASE Awards
The UA won two Awards of Excellence from District VII of the Council for Advancement and Support of Education. The awards will be presented at the Connect West 2019 conference in Anaheim, California, in February.
The UA won a silver award in the strategic communications/public relations, media relations, and community relations projects category. The project was a collaboration involving Office of University Communications and the Richard F. Caris Mirror Lab to highlight the casting of a mirror for the Giant Magellan Telescope in Chile. The project included a UANews article, an electronic press kit and other information about the lab.
The UA won a bronze award in the publications/institutional relations publications/general publications category for Wildcat Country, an annual newspaper insert that highlights UA students, faculty and research. Wildcat Country was produced by University Communications and Marketing and Brand Management.
CASE District VII's annual Awards of Excellence highlight best practices in fundraising, public relations, advancement services and communications. Experts throughout the district judge and select the awards. The district is made up of Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Nevada, the Northern Mariana Islands and Utah.
We want to know about your good news. If you, your team or a colleague has won any major awards, been honored nationally or internationally, or accomplished some other major feat that deserves recognition, let us know about it.
To submit your news, please send us an email with the following information:
- Name of the person, team or unit receiving the honor with full UA titles.
- Information about the award/honor and the organization that granted it. Please include a link to the official announcement of the award/honor.
- When the honor was announced and when it will be presented (or was presented).
- A photo of the honoree. If others appear in the photo, please provide their names and identifying information, such as their UA title or other affiliation.
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