Staff Council Elections 2024-25
To: University Employees
From: University of Arizona Staff Council
Subject: Staff Council Elections 2024-25
Date: May 30, 2024
The University of Arizona Staff Council recently held elections for officer positions. The terms of service will be July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025. The election results are:
- Chair: Melanie Madden
- Vice Chair: Danielle Barefoot
- Secretary: Danielle Oxnam
- Treasurer: Jennifer Lawrence
Staff Council's goal is to enhance the quality of career life for Classified and University Staff by providing advocacy, information and resources. All staff are invited to attend the monthly meetings, which take place at 2pm on the last Tuesday of each month on Zoom. Additionally. Staff Council is seeking representatives for units that currently have no representation on the council. More information about Staff Council can be found online at