A car was trapped under a downed tree in the Dennis DeConcini Environment And Natural Resources parking lot after a monsoon struck the Tucson region on Sunday, July 14.
Chris Kopach / Facilities Management
A tree that was pulled from the ground outside of South Hall after a monsoon struck the Tucson area on Sunday, July 14.
Chris Kopach / Facilities Management
Students walk near downed trees next to the Cochise dorm after a monsoon struck the Tucson area on Sunday, July 14.
Chris Kopach / Facilities Management
A eucalyptus tree lies across the ground on the west side of Centennial Hall after a monsoon struck the Tucson area on Sunday, July 14.
Chris Kopach/Facilities Management
A tree is uprooted near the Yuma Hall dorms after a monsoon struck the Tucson area on Sunday, July 14.
Chris Kopach / Facilities Management
The base of an uprooted tree near the main entrance to the Engineering building. Damage was cause across the University of Arizona campus after a monsoon struck the Tucson area on Sunday, July 14.
Chris Kopach / Facilities Management
A tree fell over the main entrance to the Engineering building after a monsoon struck the Tucson area on Sunday, July 14.
Chris Kopach / Facilities Management
A downed tree atop cars and a parking awning near the University of Arizona campus.