Staff members greet each other as they arrive at the inaugural Staff Social on the Mall.
Chris Richards/University Communications
Staff members with Arizona Student Unions helped serve the free lunch. The menu included hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, fruit and dessert.
Chris Richards/University Communications
Around 1,500 staff members came to the Staff Social to catch up with each other and have face-to-face time with colleagues that they sometimes only see during Zoom meetings.
Chris Richards/University Communications
Staff members laugh as they enjoy lunch during the Staff Social. The March 10 event was organized by the Office of the President, Presidential Events, University Initiatives and Policy, and Facilities Management with additional support from the Office of Public Safety, Arizona Student Unions and Parking and Transportation Services.
Chris Richards/Universitiy Communications
During lunch, President Suresh Garimella made his way from table to table and chatted with staff members.
Chris Richards/University Communications
President Suresh Garimella greets staff members at the inaugural Staff Social on the Mall. "The university runs as well as it does because of our staff," Garimella said.
Chris Richards/University Communications
Staff members filled several tents west of the Joseph Wood Krutch Garden, often called the Cactus Garden.
Chris Richards/University Communications
President Suresh Garimella chats with members of the Facilities Management Paint/Sign Shop.
Chris Richards/University Communications