Statement from UA President Robbins on Free Speech

"Free speech is essential in sustaining a democratic society, and it is equally important in providing an exceptional university education. Our mission is one of service, and fundamental to its success is ensuring that all of our students and faculty practice and promote principles of freedom of expression and inquiry.
"The University of Arizona has a rich history of protecting free expression that includes deploying trained staff to help with free speech activities across the entire campus of the university, a student-focused educational initiative on the importance of free expression and holding a national conference on constitutional issues in higher education for the last four years.
"In the last few months, the Arizona Faculty Senate adopted the University of Chicago's principles for freedom of expression and the university earned a 'green light' rating for our support of free speech from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. FIRE's green light rating is the highest recognition they give for protecting free expression, held by fewer than 50 institutions around the country."