Share Your Input for the Campus Mobility Plan

Subject: Share Your Input for the Campus Mobility Plan
Date: Oct 11, 2023

Parking & Transportation Services is seeking insight from University employees to guide our mobility and transportation planning efforts at the Tucson campus. Faculty, staff, DCCs, student workers, graduate assistants and associates, and postdoctoral fellows are all invited to participate.

The results of the Campus Mobility Survey will provide a comprehensive understanding of the daily and weekly commuting habits of students, employees and other community members traveling to, from and around the Tucson campus. 

Whether you live on campus or commute, even occasionally, your input is valuable. The survey is anonymous and should take less than ten minutes to complete. The deadline is Tuesday, Oct. 31.

About the Campus Mobility Plan

The insights from this survey, along with other data sources, will form the basis for the University of Arizona Campus Mobility Plan for the Tucson campus. This planning effort, which began earlier this year, is a collaboration between Parking & Transportation Services and Planning Development and Facilities Management. The objective is to reimagine the transportation services on campus in a meaningful and well-informed manner, while also aligning them with our sustainability goals.

The recommendations will support the University's Campus Master Plan, the Sustainability and Climate Change Action Plan and other strategic priorities. The plan will be shared with the University community in the coming months.

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