UArizona Proposes No Tuition Increase for Incoming Resident Students, 1.4% for Nonresidents

Students wear face coverings while on campus during the fall 2020 semester.
Chris Richards/University Communications
The University of Arizona has proposed no increase in base tuition for all new resident undergraduate students and a 1.4% increase for new nonresident undergraduate students. These tuition rates will be guaranteed for four years under the university's Guaranteed Tuition Plan. All continuing students will see no increase.
The university also proposes an increase in tuition for incoming resident graduate students of 1.4% and a 0.7% increase for incoming nonresident graduate students.
Mandatory fees will not increase for the 2021-2022 academic year, with the exception of the Recreation Center Program fee, which might increase annually based on the Consumer Price Index and the Arizona Financial Aid Trust fee, which increases based on an approved tuition increase.
"The past year has been challenging on many levels, and in an unprecedented time like this, we felt it was important to keep tuition steady and predictable for our students and their families," said University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins.
College of Medicine tuition at the Tucson campus will increase by 3% for first-year resident students and by 1% for nonresident students. College of Medicine tuition at the Phoenix campus will increase by 3% for all resident students and by 1% for all nonresident students.
The College of Veterinary Medicine will increase tuition for first-year resident and nonresident students by 2%, while second-year students will see no increase. Next year will be the second year the college is operating as the first and only public veterinary medicine school in Arizona.
The UArizona tuition proposal process includes undergraduate and graduate student government presidents Tara Singleton and Shilpita Sen; Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Liesl Folks; and Senior Vice President for Business Affairs and Chief Financial Officer Lisa Rulney.
The Arizona Board of Regents announced dates and times for a virtual public hearing on the tuition proposals, an in-depth tuition workshop and the board meeting voting on tuition and mandatory fees for the 2021-2022 academic year, all of which will be livestreamed. More information is available on the ABOR website.