UArizona proposes 3% increase for resident tuition, 4% increase for nonresident tuition for 2023-24

The University of Arizona has proposed a 3% increase in resident tuition and a 4% increase in nonresident tuition for all new, incoming undergraduate students in the 2023-24 academic year. Most mandatory fees will remain the same.
More than 99% of current UArizona students will see no increase because their tuition and fees previously were frozen under the Guaranteed Tuition Program. Incoming undergraduate students for the 2023-24 academic year are guaranteed the new tuition rate and fees for four consecutive years.
Launched in 2014, the Guaranteed Tuition Program ensures undergraduates pay a fixed tuition rate for eight consecutive semesters.
Most mandatory fees for undergraduates will remain unchanged, with the exception of the Recreation Center Program fee, which increases annually based on the Consumer Price Index, and the Arizona Financial Aid Trust fee, which will increase based on an approved tuition increase.
"It remains a priority of the University of Arizona to keep tuition increases as low as possible for our students and their families, while ensuring that we are able to carry out our education, research and land-grant missions," said University of Arizona President Robert C. Robbins. "I am pleased that most of our students will not see an increase in tuition next year, and the increases for the incoming class are well below inflation rates to minimize impact."
Incoming resident undergraduate students will pay $11,871 in tuition, and new nonresident undergraduate students will pay $39,340.
All resident graduate students will pay $12,718, a 3% increase in tuition, and nonresident graduate students will pay $32,290, the same tuition as last year. Mandatory fees for graduate students will increase by $3.
Arizona Online tuition is set by each individual degree program and the range of program tuition will remain the same for undergraduate students, at $500 to $1,746 per credit, and for graduate students, at $500 to $2,222 per credit.
Tuition for University of Arizona Global Campus undergraduate and graduate students will not increase.
Resident tuition for the College of Medicine – Tucson and College of Medicine – Phoenix will increase 4.75%, and nonresident tuition will increase 1.25% for first-year through fourth-year students. Resident students in the Phoenix college will pay $18,894 per semester, while nonresidents will pay $27,980 per semester. Resident students in the Tucson college will pay between $17,810 and $18,894 per semester depending on what year of medical school they are in. Nonresidents will pay between $27,703 and $27,980 per semester.
College of Veterinary Medicine tuition will not increase, remaining at $47,277 a year for resident students and $73,542 a year for nonresidents.
The tuition proposal process includes the student leaders of the Associated Students of the University of Arizona and the Graduate and Professional Student Council, who worked over the fall semester with the provost, chief financial officer, associate vice president for student affairs and enrollment management, chief budget officer, and several faculty and staff representatives.
"I believe that all students deserve the opportunity to have an affordable near-to-free college education," said Patrick Robles, previous president of the ASUA student government. "It is unfortunate that once again tuition rates have to increase for the sake of balancing out an ever-increasing cost of living and rising inflation rates. I hope to see the day that tuition rates do not have to increase in order to keep the university in operation."
University tuition presentations will be given during the Arizona Board of Regents Finance, Capital and Resources Committee on March 23, from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Arizona State University. The meeting will be livestreamed.
The Arizona Board of Regents will hold virtual public tuition hearings on March 28, from 3 to 5 p.m., to hear testimony and comments from the public, students and other interested parties concerning the tuition recommendations made by UArizona, Arizona State University and Northern Arizona University. The link to register and submit a form online to speak at the virtual public hearing will be available on March 17 on ABOR's Public Notices website. Go to ABOR Live to watch the hearing livestream without commenting on the proposals.
The board is expected to vote on tuition and fees on April 20 at its meeting in Tucson. The meeting will be livestreamed.
Looking ahead: Maximum growth rates for tuition and fees
In February, the Arizona Board of Regents announced a new multi-year tuition setting structure for the three state universities to increase cost predictability for resident students.
Under the new policy, UArizona, ASU and NAU must present maximum growth rates for resident tuition, fees, housing and meal plans in six-year cycles. The board revisits those rates every four years and determines whether they should be extended an additional four years.
UArizona has proposed the following maximum annual tuition growth rates for academic years 2024-25 through 2028-29.
- 3% for undergraduate resident tuition
- 3% for graduate resident tuition
- 5% for academic fees
- 5% for College of Medicine – Tucson and College of Medicine – Phoenix tuition
- 5% for College of Veterinary Medicine tuition