Reuters March 28, 2019 Frailty before surgery tied to more complications, higher costs Dr. Bellal Joseph discusses a study that found patients who are frail before surgery are more likely to have serious complications afterward.
Forbes March 27, 2019 All youth deserve performing arts experiences – they promote agency, empathy and project management Hank Stratton and Ted Kraus with the UA School of Theatre, Film, and Television discuss how they see the theater as problem-based learning.
Arizona Daily Star March 27, 2019 Teaching empathy in health care with the arts Each of the 120 students in the College of Medicine – Tucson's class of 2022 is taking a course in medical humanities at the UA Poetry Center
KVOA March 27, 2019 UA studying ways to safeguard water quality A team of researchers led by UA chemical and environmental engineering professor Reyes Sierra is studying groundwater purification methods.
The Arizona Republic March 27, 2019 Here's what the Colorado River deal will do, and why some criticize Arizona's approach "I would not have gone down the path of putting serious money into drilling new high-capacity wells for agriculture in Pinal County," said the UA's Robert Glennon.
Los Angeles Times (Spanish edition) March 27, 2019 Tucson Cine Mexico festival arrives with a high presence of women filmmakers Tucson Cine México, the longest running Mexican film festival in the U.S, returns with a fresh batch of contemporary works.
Fast Company March 27, 2019 This new Patagonia film brings the fight for public lands to the Arctic "Welcome to Gwichyaa Zhee" is narrated by co-director Len Necefer, a native Navajo and assistant professor of American Indian studies at the UA. March 27, 2019 These scientists want to send a NASA probe to Jupiter's volcanic moon Io Alfred McEwen, a planetary geologist at the UA, is the principal investigator on the proposed Io Volcano Observer mission.
The Huffington Post March 25, 2019 Imagining your partner's face could be the key to stressing less UA-led research finds that visualizing your significant other may be helpful when it comes to managing the body's cardiovascular response to stress.
Time March 25, 2019 Here's how parents and teachers can help teens who are struggling UA psychologist Joel Dvoskin says it can be helpful for parents to be upfront about their own fears if they are concerned about their teenager's behavior.