Tucson Sentinel April 24, 2019 Tucson poet laureate T.C. Tolbert honored with $100k national fellowship T.C. Tolbert, poet laureate of Tucson and lecturer at the UA, has been named an Academy of American Poets Laureate Fellow.
Yahoo! April 24, 2019 UA team finds pain management clinics can help reduce opioid use Doctors at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson conducted a study that found using pain management clinics can help reduce the use of opioids.
The Huffington Post April 24, 2019 5 things you must do when you get promoted over a friend UA communications professor Patricia Sias found that a promotion is one of the five primary reasons those friendships deteriorate.
The Cut April 22, 2019 How complaining turns co-workers into friends UA professor Patricia Sias says that sharing workplace complaints can mark an important transition between two formerly professional-only peers.
The Arizona Republic April 22, 2019 What can ancient pee teach us? A lot, UA professor discovers A UA geosciences undergraduate used ancient urine salts to reveal when humans in ancient Turkey began shifting from hunting to herding.
Refinery29 April 22, 2019 Is the Lyrid meteor shower worth watching and what does it mean? People will be able to best see the Lyrid meteor shower Sunday and Monday nights, according to Adam Block with the UA Steward Observatory.
Fox News April 22, 2019 NASA spots mysterious galactic 'jellyfish' in space UA Department of Astronomy senior research associate Stacey Alberts discusses why the James Webb Space Telescope will study galaxy ESO 137-001.
Arizona Daily Star April 20, 2019 UA researcher: Studying how brain processes metaphors could aid efficient learning UA researcher Vicky Lai studies how the brain processes different types of language, including metaphors.
KJZZ April 19, 2019 Device created to determine the age of bruises Students and professors at the UA have designed a device to measure the age of bruises.
Scientific American April 18, 2019 How old are Saturn's rings? The debate rages on "The idea that they could be around for 4.5 billion years really defies explanation in my mind," says Erik Asphaug, a planetary scientist at the UA.