Take a 360-Degree View of the UA's Spring Fling

(Photo: Bob Demers/UANews)
Spring Fling, a tradition at the University of Arizona, has brought carnival rides, games, food booths and entertainment to the UA and Tucson communities since 1974.
The event on the UA Mall is one of the largest student-run carnivals in the nation, attracting more than 32,000 visitors to its 40-plus rides and games and 20 different food booths. Spring Fling serves as a fundraiser for the student clubs and organizations that operate its food and game booths — and also for the UA Campus Pantry, where students in need can obtain food at no cost. The event is produced by eight student directors from the Associated Students of the UA.
UANews turned loose our videographer, Bob Demers, last weekend to capture the sights and sounds of Spring Fling in 360-degree video. He used an Insta360 Pro with six lenses, and we think you'll enjoy what he came up with. (To watch 360-degree videos, use the latest version of Chrome, Opera, Firefox or MS Edge on your computer. On mobile devices, use the latest version of the YouTube app. Click and drag to pan.)
Video by Bob Demers/UANews