Feb. 9, 2018 UA Researchers on Winning Team in Lunar Exploration Competition Roberto Furfaro and Vishnu Reddy make up the UA team on the Lunar Meteoroid Impacts Observer project, which seeks to investigate meteoritic impact on the far side of the moon.
Feb. 9, 2018 BIO5 Networking Event Pairs Students, Industry Partners Industry leaders and UA alumni who participate are sought out by students for employment strategies and professional tips to ease the transition from college to the workforce.
Feb. 6, 2018 Students Get Rare Glimpse Into Microsoft Executive's Style UA alumnus Kurt DelBene's secrets to successful leadership include staying "deep in the weeds" of engineering while always operating from a business perspective.
Feb. 6, 2018 Rapid Detection and Recovery: The Science of Hunting Meteorites UA professor Vishnu Reddy is leading a NASA-funded project to find freshly fallen meteorites, using radar data and computer models to locate them within hours of their landing.
Feb. 6, 2018 Machines as Co-Workers: A New Era Is Upon Us It's still a long way to get from data to wisdom, said Nirav Merchant, director of the UA's Data Science Institute, in his lecture on "Working Alongside Thinking Machines."
Feb. 6, 2018 No Volcanic Winter in East Africa From Ancient Toba Eruption The Toba supereruption on Sumatra 74,000 years ago did not trigger major environmental disruption that caused human populations in East Africa to decline, UA geoscientists say.
Feb. 2, 2018 Public Utility Helps UA Engineering Students Help Others With a hand from Salt River Project, freshmen built simple water purification devices, called WAPIs, that were distributed to Puerto Rico residents recovering from Hurricane Maria.
Jan. 30, 2018 AI Explained as 'Intelligence Augmentation' The UA's Mihai Surdeanu touches on the differences between artificial intelligence and the human mind — and where artificial intelligence is headed next.
Jan. 29, 2018 UA Researchers Observe Electrons Zipping Around in Crystals For the first time, scientists have tracked electrons moving through exotic materials that may make up the next generation of computing hardware, revealing intriguing properties.
Jan. 26, 2018 Earthquake Engineers Shift Focus to Ensure Structural Safety UA engineers are taking a sideways approach to shoring up buildings' seismic safety. Steel collectors are responsible for horizontally transferring earthquake forces.