April 25, 2022 NASA gives green light for OSIRIS-REx spacecraft to visit another asteroid The extended UArizona-led mission, dubbed OSIRIS-APEX, will study the near-Earth asteroid Apophis, which is expected to have a close encounter with Earth in 2029.
April 21, 2022 Optical sciences researcher dishes up new method for measuring radio antennas A UArizona doctoral student has developed a new way to precisely measure radio antennas used in astronomy and satellite communications. The technology has been licensed to startup Fringe Metrology.
April 21, 2022 Freshwater habitats are fragile pockets of exceptional biodiversity, study finds Ponds, lakes, rivers and streams cover only a tiny fraction of Earth's surface, yet they are home to a comparatively large number of different species, finds a study led by UArizona ecologists.
April 20, 2022 Small but mighty: How UArizona researchers are harnessing the power of algae to capture carbon A team of University of Arizona researchers is working to scale up production of carbon-absorbing marine algae in an effort to curb the worst impacts of climate change.
April 20, 2022 UArizona paleoclimatologist to receive NSF's highest early-career honor Jessica Tierney will be the first climatologist to win the National Science Foundation's Alan T. Waterman Award since Congress established it in 1975. She is also the first from UArizona to ever receive the honor.
April 14, 2022 Researchers at Biosphere 2 will plant coffee trees to celebrate Earth Day Coffee is the world's most traded product, and it is highly vulnerable to climate change. Researchers at Biosphere 2 are studying coffee plant sensitivity and how growing and bean processing conditions affect flavor.
April 11, 2022 Study: Climatic variability might not drive evolutionary change as much as previously thought A study combining climate change records with fossil evidence of mammals in Africa reveals that times of erratic climate change are not followed by major upheavals in evolution.
April 4, 2022 Astronomers glimpse giant planet in its infancy A team of astronomers including researchers from the University of Arizona has discovered evidence of a giant planet in the process of forming. This provides the first-ever look at the earliest stages of the formation of a gas giant planet, when it's still embedded in the disk of gas and dust surrounding its young host star.
March 31, 2022 Increased heat and drought stunt tropical trees, a major carbon sink UArizona researchers were leaders in a worldwide effort to understand tropical trees and their futures under climate change. They found that heat and drought slow the growth of these trees, which are major carbon dioxide absorbers.
March 31, 2022 Women in climate change: Ellen McMahon Ellen McMahon focuses on the potential for art to make people more receptive and responsive to the facts of climate change.