Feb. 21, 2022 The evolution of Black representation on television Television has served as "a primary source of America's racial education," says UArizona scholar Stephanie Troutman Robbins, co-editor of "Race in American Television: Voices and Visions that Shaped a Nation."
Feb. 17, 2022 UArizona researchers develop AI-driven method for diagnosing lung disease Researchers at the UArizona College of Medicine – Tucson have developed a new way to provide earlier diagnosis of lung disease. The technology has been licensed to startup MetFora.
Feb. 15, 2022 UArizona students confirm errant rocket's Chinese origin, track lunar collision course For weeks, UArizona students have been gathering data on a high-profile piece of space junk on a collision course with the moon. They've confirmed it's not a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket booster as previously believed.
Feb. 15, 2022 UArizona center awarded $1.5M for borderlands research and education The grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to the Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry will go toward activities that bolster the stories and experiences of underrepresented groups in the borderlands.
Feb. 15, 2022 'Chipping away' at the iceberg of health disparities As a researcher studying diseases that disproportionately affect Black women, UArizona alumna and public health faculty member Kelly Palmer says her work is a team effort – and incredibly personal.
Feb. 14, 2022 $7.5M effort seeks to prevent lunar traffic jams With $7.5 million from the Air Force Research Laboratory, UArizona researchers are developing ways to detect, characterize and track objects in cislunar space, or the space between Earth and the moon.
Feb. 11, 2022 With UArizona camera, Webb Telescope sees its first star – 18 times Engineering photos captured by UArizona's Near-Infrared Camera mark an important milestone for NASA's James Webb Space Telescope. They confirm that the telescope is functioning and mirror alignment can begin. The public can expect to see the first scientific images from Webb in the summer.
Feb. 11, 2022 Undernourished infants at risk for lung restriction, weaker health as adults A UArizona Health Sciences-led study identified poor childhood nutrition and growth as risk factors for lung disease and weaker health as an adult.
Feb. 9, 2022 Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument creates largest 3D map of the cosmos UArizona astronomers use DESI, which has observed more galaxies than any previous 3-D survey, to hunt for intermediate-mass black holes in small galaxies.
Feb. 9, 2022 Researchers identify brain region associated with feeling full after eating Researchers have learned more about the part of the brain that mediates satiation. This could help lead to better treatments for eating disorders and weight management.