Jan. 1, 2020 UA to Lead Multi-University Study on Sexual Assault Prevention A sexual assault training program that started in Canada teaches female freshmen how to better recognize risky situations, defend themselves, and communicate what they do and don't want.
Dec. 12, 2019 Seeking New Ways to Understand Human Aging A prestigious $4.5 million MERIT Award from the National Institutes of Health will allow a University of Arizona immunologist to pursue a new, more promising way to study human aging.
Dec. 2, 2019 Benefits of Active Learning Are All About Activity Researchers monitored students' heart rates during medical school lectures to test the long-standing theory that active learning provides an attention reset.
Nov. 25, 2019 Preventing Chronic Disease in Arizona Border Region The Arizona Prevention Research Center will continue its mission to prevent chronic disease among underserved populations in the Arizona border region thanks to a $7.5 million grant from the CDC.
Nov. 22, 2019 UArizona Colleges of Medicine to Provide Free Tuition for Primary Care Medical Students With a portion of $8 million in annual funding appropriated by the Arizona Legislature, nearly 100 students could receive free tuition at UArizona's two medical schools.
Nov. 19, 2019 Startup Sees Future for Heart Imaging Technology ElectroSonix has licensed the UArizona patents for acoustoelectric imaging, a technology that has the potential to improve the accuracy of cardiac ablation in treating cardiac arrhythmias.
Nov. 15, 2019 Understanding Eye's 'Plumbing' Could Lead to Glaucoma Treatments A University of Arizona Health Sciences study funded by a $2.3 million five-year grant from the National Institutes of Health National Eye Institute could help to develop future treatments for glaucoma and other diseases.
Nov. 12, 2019 New Study Shows the Good, Bad of Breastfeeding at Work Work and breastmilk productivity increase when companies provide a breastfeeding-friendly environment, according to a study from a team involving Eller College of Management researchers.
Oct. 30, 2019 Study Finds Inflammatory Protein Can Protect Against Spread of Herpes Virus UArizona researchers have discovered a protein function that could improve current therapeutic solutions for millions of women who live with genital herpes.
Oct. 21, 2019 Blood-Collection Device Makes Radiation Testing Quick and Easy Developed by a research team at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix, the self-collection device quickly can evaluate radiation exposure and help triage emergency treatment in the event of a nuclear attack or accident.