May 3, 2018 UA to Award Honorary Degrees to Two Alumni Two honorary doctorates will be granted during Commencement, to Southern California rancher Gilbert "Gil" Aguirre and United Arab Emirates businessman Mohammed Sharaf.
May 1, 2018 Four Questions With the Class of 2018 (Part 2) Four more graduating students talk about their experiences at the UA, from their funniest stories to their favorite professors and campus hangouts, in our second installment.
April 25, 2018 Four Questions With the Class of 2018 Three graduating students talk about their experiences at the University of Arizona, from their funniest stories to their favorite professors and campus hangouts.
April 23, 2018 UA Alumna Shares Arizona Republic's Pulitzer Prize Hannah Gaber, a former Arizona Republic multimedia journalist and 2016 UA alumna, contributed to the Pulitzer Prize-winning report "The Wall: Unknown stories, Unintended consequences." Three other people with ties to the UA shared in the award.
April 20, 2018 Students Earn NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Nearly two dozen UA-affiliated students have been awarded the fellowship, which recruits high-potential, early career scientists and engineers and supports their graduate research.
April 20, 2018 New Degree in Personal and Family Financial Planning The UA now offers a CFP Board-registered undergraduate degree program in financial planning.
April 19, 2018 $2.3M Estate Gift Supports Librarians and Archivists Katheryne "Kate" Willock, who died in January 2017, was an archaeologist whose investment in UA Libraries already has had a significant impact on many students.
April 19, 2018 UA Faculty Member Named as Scholar in Residence Leah Durán will be the third Richard Ruiz Scholar/Artist in Residence, making her the first College of Education faculty member to fill the visiting scholar position in Guanajuato, Mexico.
April 13, 2018 Five UA Faculty Members Named Regents' Professors The new class of Regents' Professors has these UA faculty members: David Breshears, Dr. Allan Hamilton, Barbara Mills, Steven Schwartz and Robert A. Williams Jr.
April 10, 2018 UA Student to Take Pain Relief Research to Washington Neuroscience and cognitive science senior Lindsey Chew will represent the University on Capitol Hill as part of Posters on the Hill, an event showcasing undergraduate research.