Sept. 28, 2020 Startup Licenses UArizona Alternative Solar Energy System Researchers have been developing and refining a highly efficient photovoltaic system that captures more heat and energy from sunlight than current solar panel models available.
Aug. 6, 2020 No-Clog Toilet Paper, Weight-Loss Pet Food Among Award-Winning Student Innovations Tech Launch Arizona has awarded funding to five-student teams to develop inventions with the goal of bringing them to the public as impactful products to benefit society.
Dec. 10, 2019 UArizona and TEP Given Green Light for 100% Clean Energy Agreement The Arizona Corporation Commission approved an agreement between the University of Arizona and Tucson Electric Power that will offset the entirety of the university's scope two emissions.
Aug. 22, 2019 UA Initiates 100% Clean Energy Project with TEP By partnering with TEP for the purchase of solar and wind power, the UA will offset all of its scope two greenhouse gas emissions with green energy by December 2020.
March 6, 2019 Four Questions: What 'Tidying Up' Means for Sustainability Sabrina Helm says the decluttering trend can be good for the environment - as long as people aren't clearing space to make way for new purchases.
Feb. 6, 2019 UA Scores 'Most-Improved' Win in Zero-Waste Challenge A campuswide sustainability effort diverted more than 45 percent of waste from landfills during the Wildcats' "Zero-Waste" football game, more than doubling the UA's amount of waste diversion in 2017.