Aug. 13, 2018 Males Find Specialized Support on SuicideWatch Subreddit An analysis of posts made by males to a subreddit for people experiencing suicidal thoughts suggests the forum may function as a safe space to receive gender-specific support.
Aug. 13, 2018 How News Choices Impact Political Participation Among Young People Young people who seek out news online on their own, rather than relying on conventional media or news articles posted on social media, are more likely to participate in political activism.
Aug. 8, 2018 Does Rain Follow the Plow? There are many factors that play a role in whether or not it rains, and UA researchers say human activity such as cultivating agricultural fields may be one of them.
July 31, 2018 Queen Bees and the Microbial Fountain of Youth UA students hope honey bees can serve as model systems to discover clues about how genetics, gut bacteria and diet influence aging in humans.
July 31, 2018 A Calmer Horse is Just a Sniff Away Two years after her graduation, Isabelle Chea's undergraduate thesis on equine aromatherapy has been reborn as a published research paper in the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science.
July 27, 2018 UA Breaks Technology Commercialization Records The UA has met or surpassed expectations in technology commercialization for the fiscal year 2018, as Tech Launch Arizona continues to enhance the impact of UA research for the public.
July 24, 2018 Native Bison Hunters Amplified Climate Impacts on Prairie Fires In a new study, researchers found that burning by indigenous hunters combined with climate variability to amplify the effects of climate on prairie fire patterns in the northern Great Plains.
July 23, 2018 Clinical Trial to Repurpose Ketamine for Parkinson’s Patients Ketamine, a drug currently used to treat pain and depression, is being repurposed to potentially help Parkinson’s patients in a new clinical trial at the UA College of Medicine – Tucson.
July 20, 2018 Metal Mining Waste Focus of $3.27M UA Superfund Research Program Five colleges at the University of Arizona are studying human and environmental risks and developing practical solutions for the mining industry and health professions.
July 19, 2018 UA Researchers Working Toward Quick Radiation Diagnostic Test Jerome Lacombe and other University of Arizona researchers are hoping to improve upon traditional radiation testing methods through gene expression.