May 3, 2022 Planetary science decadal survey prioritizes UArizona-led planetary defense mission A new decadal survey from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine recommends NASA fully support NEO Surveyor, a space-based survey designed to discover and measure asteroids and comets that could pose an impact hazard to Earth. Amy Mainzer, a professor of planetary sciences, leads the effort.
Feb. 28, 2022 Members of France-Arizona Institute for Global Grand Challenges convene in Tucson to reflect on partnership's first year Members of the France-Arizona Institute for Global Grand Challenges convened on campus this week to reflect on the institute's first year and plan for its future.
Feb. 8, 2022 UArizona Gem & Mineral Museum is open and ready for gem show crowd After four years of renovations, the Alfie Norville Gem & Mineral Museum has officially opened in its new space in the Pima County Historic Courthouse – complete with a world-class collection that includes Tucson's "own little Hope Diamond" and other rare items.
Dec. 7, 2021 Three UArizona Faculty Members Named Fellows of the National Academy of Inventors For their technological contributions to engineering and health care, Liesl Folks, Mark Van Dyke and Terry Matsunaga have been recognized with the highest professional distinction for academic inventors.
Nov. 19, 2021 Age of Empires IV Players Eligible for UArizona Credit Through History Department Collaboration UArizona history faculty members developed educational content for the popular strategy game. Engaging with the content can earn current and future UArizona students one hour of academic credit.
Oct. 12, 2021 UArizona Astronomers to Help NASA's James Webb Space Telescope Peer into Space's Past NASA's new flagship space observatory has arrived in French Guinea, where it will be readied for launch on Dec. 18. UArizona astronomers Marcia and George Rieke played key roles in designing and building the telescope's infrared "eyes," which will peer deeper into the cosmos than ever before.
Sept. 28, 2021 UArizona Awarded $60 Million to Lead Precision Aging Network The network, established with funding from the National Institutes of Health, has the ultimate goal of developing more effective brain-aging treatments and interventions targeted to the individual.
Sept. 28, 2021 Construction Underway on University's Grand Challenges Research Building The new building is designed to draw on the university’s core strengths and research collaborations in space exploration, optics, quantum information science and more.
Sept. 16, 2021 This is What it Looks Like When a Black Hole Snacks on a Star Analyzing observations of an X-ray flare and fitting the data with theoretical models, astronomers documented a fatal encounter between an unlucky star and a black hole.
Sept. 2, 2021 UArizona Research Project to Monitor Health of SpaceX Inspiration4 Crew UArizona College of Medicine – Phoenix researchers designed novel molecular diagnostics technology to monitor the health of four crew members during the all-civilian spaceflight.