Jan. 17, 2019 Having a Partner Present – or in Mind – May Keep Blood Pressure Down Visualizing your significant other may be just as effective as having them in the room with you when it comes to managing the body's cardiovascular response to stress.
Jan. 17, 2019 Investing in the Arts The UA is investing in its future as an international arts destination with a new vice president for the arts position, filled by UA College of Fine Arts Dean Andrew Schulz.
Jan. 16, 2019 Water, Not Temperature, Limits Global Forest Growth as Climate Warms The changes are most evident in northern climates and at high altitudes, reports a team that includes UA scientists from the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research.
Jan. 15, 2019 'Searching for Certainty' is Theme of UA Science Lecture Series The UA College of Science's popular annual lecture series marks its 14th year this year.
Jan. 15, 2019 Arizona Online Soars in Latest US News Rankings In only its fourth year of operation and third year of rankings eligibility, the University of Arizona has established itself as a leader in online education, vaulting into the top 10 percent of all online bachelor's programs in the U.S.
Jan. 10, 2019 Solving the Ancient Mysteries of Easter Island New research suggests the locations of the iconic monuments on Rapa Nui can be explained by their proximity to the island’s limited freshwater sources.
Jan. 10, 2019 Life-Changing Accident Can't Deter Future Aerospace Engineer A UA aerospace engineering student shows that determination trumps physical limitation.
Jan. 10, 2019 Developing a Better, Faster Diagnostic for Cryptosporidiosis The UA is partnering with Kerafast to license a reagent that offers the opportunity for the development of a rapid, highly sensitive diagnostic test for the zoonotic disease.
Jan. 9, 2019 600 Trillion Suns Light up the Dawn of the Universe Two UA-managed telescopes have aided in the serendipitous discovery of the brightest quasar ever seen in the early universe, which suggests there could be more waiting to be discovered.
Jan. 8, 2019 UA Engineers Bring 5G Whiz to Cell Networks UA-led research into 5G networks allows for remote surgery, autonomous vehicles and ever-faster processing speeds.