Oct. 21, 2019 Blood-Collection Device Makes Radiation Testing Quick and Easy Developed by a research team at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix, the self-collection device quickly can evaluate radiation exposure and help triage emergency treatment in the event of a nuclear attack or accident.
Oct. 10, 2019 UA Research Shows Drug Can Extend Survival Rates for Heart Failure Patients Preclinical studies have found that Aliskiren, a common blood pressure medication, can prevent fluid retention and muscle wasting in patients with congestive heart failure.
Sept. 30, 2019 New Initiative Seeks to Improve Treatment Options for Veterans A collaborative program between the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix and the Phoenix Veterans Affairs Health Care System could prevent adverse drug events, save lives and decrease health-care costs for veterans.
Sept. 17, 2019 Study Changes Guidelines for Sepsis Management A new study from a team including a University of Arizona researcher shows when physicians administer antibiotics could impact their ability to effectively diagnose and treat sepsis.
July 31, 2019 Future Doctors Receive First White Coats at UA New medical students received and donned their first white coats, a ceremonial symbol of their acceptance into medical school at the University of Arizona, at events in Tucson and Phoenix.
July 24, 2019 Automated Eyesight Testing May Make 'Better One or Better Two?' Obsolete Using phoropter technology developed at the UA James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences, startup iCrx aims to shorten and ease visits to the eye doctor.
May 28, 2019 State Budget Makes Significant Investments in UA, UA Medical Schools The Arizona Legislature approved $17.4 million in funding for the UA, with $8 million earmarked to expand the UA College of Medicine – Phoenix and support medical students.
May 28, 2019 Stem Cell Study Determines Most Harmful Vape Liquids Are some flavors of vape liquid more harmful than others? One UA scientist says yes, based on the results of a novel research project focused on endothelial cells.
May 22, 2019 UA Researcher Awarded $3 Million to Study Genomics in Cerebral Palsy Dr. Michael Kruer, of the UA College of Medicine – Phoenix, has received the first federally funded grant to research genetic causes of a condition that affects 1 in 250 children.
May 14, 2019 Novel Study Could Help Treat, Diagnosis, Prevent Cervical Cancer UA researchers have identified ‘metabolic signatures’ that distinguish between HPV, pre-cancerous cervical conditions and cancer.