March 28, 2019 Four Questions: Finding an Alternative to Pesticides UA entomologist Patricia Stock is working on developing a safer alternative to the chemical pesticides commonly used to combat plant pathogens.
March 20, 2019 Four Questions: UA Experts Discuss Drought Contingency Plan Three UA professors, each with unique areas of expertise relating to water and the Colorado River, talk about the Drought Contingency Plan and what might come next.
March 6, 2019 Four Questions: What 'Tidying Up' Means for Sustainability Sabrina Helm says the decluttering trend can be good for the environment - as long as people aren't clearing space to make way for new purchases.
Jan. 24, 2019 Prolonged Spaceflight Could Weaken Astronauts’ Immune Systems Astronauts who embarked on spaceflights lasting longer than six months experienced a decrease in the functionality of NK cells, which play an important role of the immune system by killing cancerous cells and preventing viruses from reactivating.
Nov. 20, 2018 Rooftop Greenhouse Teaches, Nourishes and Empowers Students Located at the Student Union Memorial Center, the nation's first student-run rooftop greenhouse with the capacity for year-round food production helps stock the Campus Pantry.
Sept. 27, 2018 Startup Licenses UA-invented Aquatic Animal Growth Assay How can farmers of aquatic animals quickly and efficiently select the top producing stocks for breeding? Benjamin Renquist has invented a new assay that answers this question, offering an easy-to-use assay that has been licensed to startup GenetiRate.
Sept. 12, 2018 New Degree Combines Professional, Cultural Skills A new career-centered degree in the College of Humanities will give students an educational path that integrates professional training and skills in intercultural competence.
March 21, 2018 The Future of Farming Takes Root How will agriculture feed a world population approaching 10 billion? At the UA, researchers are looking up for answers, in the form of vertical farming. With UANews video. The series Fast Forward is examining the UA's role in the convergence of the digital, physical and biological worlds.