Registration Deadline: Introduction to Graduate Careers – February Cohort



In this online, asynchronous, self-paced, free and fully online (D2L) program, you will learn strategies for researching and identifying careers beyond the academy, creating professional connections, translating your transferable skills and experiences, developing application materials, and interviewing. The program prepares you to search for and enter a career or internship that best fits you. Every day of the program is designed to be helpful (even if just confirmatory for you), with many elements building upon each other. Sessions are designed for you to maximize your experience by taking control of the experience and doing the work that makes sense for you. It includes affinity community resources and identity focused content that integrates diversity, equity, and inclusion into their career development. 

February Cohort

  • Program Timeline: Feb. 5-March 1
  • Registration Period: Jan. 22-Feb. 10


Contact Info & Links

Shawn Nordell
David Bradshaw

